In West Linton I turned to the right and followed the asphalt road ( on the photograph ) to the local golf course , through which runs another dust road to the west (drove road ) . I was going to loop via Catstone Hill , Fadden Hill and Craigengar Hill , eventually getting to West Cairn .
At that point the track splits ,and I followed the path to the right up the grassy hill . In the background view of Bleak Law .
Continuing to the north , I saw the long ridge of the Craigengar . At first I thought it was West Cairn itself , so I walked across a bit boggy plateau making shortcut. After climbing the hill I learned my destination was still ahead .
View from Craigengar , down the waters of West Water Reservoir
The next obstacle on the way to West Cairn's top, Wolf Crag , starts the series of rocky outdrops scattered on the slopes .The tiny path crosses the fence and goes up to the left , following the main ridge strightly to the top of West Cairn .
The crags near the top of West Cairn Hill , overlooking Craigengar Hill
The summit of West Cairn isn't spectacular , with a small cairn . There is a view of twin East Cairn Hill , separated only by the broad pass , called Cauld Stane Slap .
Through the pass between West and East Cairn Hills runs the old road , called Thieves Road . I belive the name derives from the times when stolen cattle were driven away this very road . Anyway it suggests that . At that point the wall leads to the ridge of East Cairn , but I gave up climbing up this hill , planning to do that on another occasion , maybe soon . Instead I took the dusty road heading back to the golf course in West Linton , where I had left my car .